Santo Daime w/ Temazcal

Santo Daime w/ Temazcal

With much joy, gratitude, and love, we invite you to our upcoming Santo Daime ceremony in Orlando, FL. ✨

Santo Daime is a way of studying with the light plant Ayahuasca. It's an Amazonian-Brazilian method.

This Saturday, March 15th, at 11 a.m., we will gather to sing the hymn of Concentration and Cruzeirinho together, as well as some hymns in Spanish. It will be a special moment to connect with our spiritual school and our hearts. 💚🌿

Long live our spiritual school!

Long live Master Irineu!

Long live Santo Daime!

Long live our brotherhood and our hearts! ✨


🔥 8 a.m. Lighting of the sacred fire.

🌎 10 AM: We enter the Temazcalli

🌱 1 PM: Arrival for Santo Daime ceremonies

We close around 7 PM

☀️ Who can attend?

This ceremony is open to those who have already consecrated the Santo Daime and to those who will be participating for the first time (after speaking with Rosario).

💰 Contribution

$250 Temazcal + Santo Daime

$200 Santo Daime only

$80 Temazcal only

🌱 Ceremony Preparation

To arrive with a lighter body and spirit:

* Reduce your salt and sugar intake.

* Avoid red meat three days before, as well as alcohol and sexual relations.

* On Saturday, you can fast or have a light breakfast, eating fruit throughout the day.

* After the ceremony, we will share a delicious soup. 🍵

👗 Recommended Clothing

* Men: Long pants with a short-sleeved T-shirt or long-sleeved shirt.

* Women: Long skirt with a short- or long-sleeved blouse or dress.

* Light colors, avoiding black and red.

🌿 We are preparing for a profound spiritual encounter.

If you have any questions, I am here to help.

Welcome with all your heart! 💚✨

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Mambe Ceremony

Mambe Ceremony

Mambe Ceremony with Abuelo Jaime – A Sacred Gathering 🌿

We are honored to welcome Abuelo Jaime Muriel, a revered Taita and ancestral healer from the Inga Indigenous Community of Putumayo, Colombia, as he guides us through a Mambe Ceremony—an ancient tradition of wisdom, connection, and spiritual insight.

✨ What is Mambe?
Mambe is a sacred preparation of coca leaf and yarumo ash, used in traditional ceremonies by the Inga people to awaken consciousness, deepen ancestral connection, and receive spiritual guidance. This practice is a way to enter into communion with nature, the wisdom of the elders, and the sacred forces of life.

During this ceremony, we will come together in prayer, reflection, and intentional dialogue, allowing the spirit of Mambe to open the heart and mind to higher understanding. Through this sacred plant medicine, we honor the living consciousness of nature and the ancestral traditions that guide us on the path of harmony and balance.

📍 Orlando, FL
🌎 Hosted by Hanan Pacha Sanctuary

Starts at 7 Pm

DONATION SCALE 40$ to 60 $

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Yagé Prayer
to Mar 23

Yagé Prayer

We are very grateful to welcome spiritual teacher and healer Abuelo Jaime from Putumayo - Colombia.

Abuelo Jaime Muriel is a Colombian Taita, spiritual guide and ancestral healer. He has been walking on the sacred journey for more than 20 years. 

He prepares his own sacred medicines in Putumayo, Amazonas. 

Honoring his origins, teachings and abuelos from the Ingas indigenous community where he was initiated by his Abuelos. 

The Inga indigenous community, which resides in the Alto Putumayo region in southwestern Colombia, uses the mambe in its ceremonial and ritual practices. 

For the Inga, mambe is a way to connect with their ancestors, receive spiritual guidance and strengthen their cultural identity. 

One of the most interesting aspects of Inga spiritual beliefs is their connection to nature. They believe that the natural world is alive and conscious, and that all beings are interconnected.

Location: Orlando

Yage Aya Prayer: Donation $300

If you want to learn more about Abuelo Jaime and this offering, fill out the form.

We will reach out directly to schedule an intro and preparation call.

Sending you much love and positive energy

Fill the Form (password: aho)

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